Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy Birthday To You....

Last Friday ( the 11th ), we had the joy of celebrating Elijah's 1st birthday! I can't believe how fast the time has gone! He is walking, eating some "grown up" food, and talking ( mama, dada, and he signs " more" and "all done").

This year we opted to have a family party. Gabe ended up doing a double that day, but he still insisted that we have his "party" on his we did - at 10 pm. LOL We put up some decorations, and I had bought the kids some balloons ealier that day, and I baked a cake. The Kids loved it! Here are a couple of pictures of our night....sorry for the quality, our camera went out on us, so these were taken off of our video camera....Praise the Lord we had that :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Last night it snowed at our house :) ! We woke up to a winter wonderland.... There was only about 1/2 in or so of snow, but it was still beautiful. I bundled the kids up and we played outside for a bit...actually just 3 or 4 minutes. It was soooo cold! I didn't even have time to take a picture of them. Maybe next time. But here are some pictures of our snowy day....

The ally next to our house

This is Elijah when he first woke up. He was probably thinking that I was crazy for wanting to go outside at all!

Kailyn - ready to go!
This is our street.

This is our backyard.

Winter is here! :)

Kailyn's First Movie

On New Years Day, Gabe took Kailyn out to a movie...her first time ever going to the theater! We told her all about it and she was so excited to go! They got to the theater a little early, bought their ticket, pocorn, M&M's, and sat down to watch the previews ( Gabe's favorite part :) Kailyn did great, until the lights went out...she got a little scared, but still stayed for about 45 mins. When they got home, I asked her how her movie was, and she got a big smile on her face and "told" me all about it. She had a GREAT time with daddy :)